Book Publishing Service

Our Publishing Packages

Publishing a book is an exciting and fulfilling endeavor that allows authors to share their stories, knowledge, or creativity with the world. For many aspiring writers, seeing their work in print is a dream come true. To successfully publish a book, authors often seek the assistance of publishing companies like Clarke Publishing Group.

The Clarke Publishing Black & White Book Publishing Packages make your book available in bookstore-quality paperback, hardback, and bespoke leather bound tomes—perfect for fiction, nonfiction, memoirs, or almost any genre you can envision, our Clarke’s Black & White Publishing Services feature a full-color cover, grayscale interior, and perfect binding.

We offer a wide variety of high-quality book publishing packages to meet your publication, editorial, and marketing needs. You can also publish a book in dazzling full color. Find out more about Clarke Publishing’s extensive range of Full-Color Publishing Packages.

At Clarke Publishing, we can help you publish almost anything in full color, from children’s books to cookbooks, family photo albums to corporate materials, graphic novels to catalogs—a wealth of possibilities. Clarke Publishing offers eight full-color publishing packages for you to choose from.

By choosing Clarke Publishing you get a first-rate digital color publication, and your book will be published in a beautiful, full-color edition.

Take the Internet by storm with this complete e-Publishing package. See your book on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Booksamillion, TLC Africa, the Online
bookstore, and dozen other online marketplaces. Other options include:

  • Search Engine Marketing, SEM
  • Email Marketing
  • Online Social Media Marketing
  • Newspapers and Journal Marketing
  • Radio and TV Spot Marketing
  • Events Marketing

This Basic service is the simplest and most affordable route to full-color publication. But don’t confuse simplicity with sacrifice—each feature of the Basic service has been
carefully designed to maximize its overall value while providing you with a high level of flexibility and support. Our designers pick from a variety of template-driven designs that cover most requirements, and you can provide up to 25 images with the option to add more if necessary. The Basic service provides you with a straightforward
submission process and standard image treatment and layout. With this Basic Package, your book will be listed in the industry’s leading online book distribution network and
will be available for order on our network of online retail outlets worldwide including, Booksamillion,, TLC Africa, the
online bookstore, and dozen other online marketplaces. Other options include:

  • One Round of Copyediting
  • Search Engine Marketing, SEM
  • Email Marketing (500 e-mails 1 month free)
  • Online Social Media Marketing (Facebook free)
  • Newspapers and Journal Marketing
  • Radio and TV Spot Marketing
  • Events Marketing

Our Professional service combines our most popular publishing features into a more robust package. It includes all the services of the Basic package plus more books, U.S.
Copyright and Library of Congress registration, more design options, and hardback availability. Authors using the Professional service may customize elements of the interior
templates to create an interior that is truly unique. Like the Basic Package, your book will be available for order on our network of online retail outlets worldwide including,, TLC Africa, the online bookstore, and dozen other online marketplaces. Other options include:

  • Two Rounds of Copyediting
  • Search Engine Marketing, SEM (75 clicks free)
  • Email Marketing (1,000 e-mails 1 month free)
  • Online Social Media Marketing (Facebook free)
  • Newspapers and Journal Marketing (4 month free ad)
  • Radio and TV Spot Marketing
  • Events Marketing

This Custom service breaks through the boundaries of the Basic and Professional services and presents an ideal package for the author who has a clear artistic vision of the way their book should be presented. As a custom author, you communicate your ideas directly to our designers to create something truly exceptional. Enjoy all of the services offered in the Professional service plus five hardback books and more marketing materials and added features. Just like the Professional Package, your book will be available for order on our network of online retail outlets worldwide including,, TLC Africa, the online bookstore, and dozen other online marketplaces. Other options include:

  • Three Rounds of Copyediting
  • Search Engine Marketing, SEM (100 clicks free)
  • Email Marketing (1,500 e-mails 2 month free)
  • Online Social Media Marketing (Facebook free)
  • Newspapers and Journal Marketing (4 month free ad)
  • Radio and TV Spot Marketing
  • Events Marketing (10 Events only)

Clarke Publishing Premium service, gives authors a premium value for their money. This package provides all the elements of Custom, plus everything you need to create
a best seller. It is the perfect choice for authors who want to deliver a fully customized, first-class book to a vast marketplace. In today’s competitive publishing environment, the Premium service provides authors with the tools they need to design, customize, distribute, and market their book. With this unique package, your book will be available for order on our network of online retail outlets worldwide including,, TLC Africa, the online bookstore, and dozen other online marketplaces. Other options include:

  • Three Rounds of Copyediting
  • Search Engine Marketing, SEM (155 clicks free)
  • Email Marketing (2,500 e-mails 1 month free)
  • Online Social Media Marketing (Facebook free)
  • Newspapers and Journal Marketing (5 month free ad)
  • Radio and TV Spot Marketing
  • Events Marketing (25 events only)

With this package, we want you to enjoy all the benefits of our Premium Package plus over 80 books, including an exclusive leather-bound edition. This VIP package gives
you even more marketing tools and materials to help give your book the maximum exposure it deserves. Set your own book price, enjoy unlimited customization options, coincide the launch of your book with a personal website, and get an extensive marketing bundle—all designed to give your book the competitive edge it needs to take the market by
storm. Bundled with this package, your book will be available for order on our network of online retail outlets worldwide including,, TLC Africa, the online bookstore, and dozen other online marketplaces. Other options include:

  • Three Rounds of Copyediting with options
  • Search Engine Marketing, SEM (155 clicks free)
  • Email Marketing (4,500 e-mails 1 month free)
  • Online Social Media Marketing (Facebook free)
  • Newspapers and Journal Marketing (6 months free ad)
  • Radio and TV Spot Marketing
  • Events Marketing (50 events only)

As an author centered publishing company, this package is the crème de la crème of publishing, the Platinum Package offers an exclusive world of publishing privileges and
benefits. You’ll enjoy true 24/7 ultrapersonalized service, up to 160 books plus two exquisite Ambassador leatherbound library-edition copies, the ability to set your own price and royalties, and an incomparable assortment of marketing options. This is a luxury service that delivers unprecedented opportunities including a book video, a Social Media Setup Guide and Social Media Training Video, bookstore returnability, and maximum online exposure. Your book will also be available for order on our network of online retail outlets worldwide including,, TLC Africa, the online bookstore, and dozen other online marketplaces. Other options include:

  • Three Rounds of Copyediting with More Options
  • Search Engine Marketing, SEM (500 clicks free)
  • Email Marketing (6,500 e-mails 5 months free)
  • Online Social Media Marketing (Facebook free)
  • Newspapers and Journal Marketing (1 year free ad)
  • Radio and TV Spot Marketing (1 month free)
  • Events Marketing (100 events only)

With this package, authors have the choice to do a short or long-run printing of any order above 75,000 or more books. Please contact our customer care association for more information.

Take the Internet by storm with this complete e-Publishing package. See your book on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Booksamillion, TLC Africa, the Online bookstore, and dozen other online marketplaces. Other options include:

  • Search Engine Marketing, SEM
  • Email Marketing
  • Online Social Media Marketing
  • Newspapers and Journal Marketing
  • Radio and TV Spot Marketing
  • Events Marketing

This is our economical package that provides multiple options and includes all the elements required to turn your manuscript into a quality paperback book. Your book will be listed in the industry’s leading online book distribution network and will be available for order on our network of online retail outlets worldwide including, TLC Africa, the online bookstore, and dozen other online marketplaces. Other options include:

  • Search Engine Marketing, SEM
  • Email Marketing (500 e-mails 1 month free)
  • Online Social Media Marketing (Facebook free)
  • Newspapers and Journal Marketing
  • Radio and TV Spot Marketing
  • Events Marketing

Our Professional service combines our most popular publishing features into a more robust package. It includes all the services of the Basic package plus more books, U.S.
Copyright and Library of Congress registration, more design options, and hardback availability. Authors using the Professional service may customize elements of the interior
templates to create an interior that is truly unique. Like the Basic Package, your book will be available for order on our network of online retail outlets worldwide including,, TLC Africa, the online bookstore, and dozen other online marketplaces. Other options include:

  • One Round of Copyediting
  • Search Engine Marketing, SEM (75 clicks free)
  • Email Marketing (1,000 e-mails 1 month free)
  • Online Social Media Marketing (Facebook free)
  • Newspapers and Journal Marketing (1 month free ad)
  • Radio and TV Spot Marketing
  • Events Marketing

This Custom service breaks through the boundaries of the Basic and Professional services and presents an ideal package for the author who has a clear artistic vision of the way their book should be presented. As a custom author, you communicate your ideas directly to our designers to create something truly exceptional. Enjoy all of the services offered in the Professional service plus five hardback books and more marketing materials and added features. Just like the Professional Package, your book will be available for order on our network of online retail outlets worldwide including,, TLC Africa, the online bookstore, and dozen other online marketplaces. Other options include:

  • Two Rounds of Copyediting
  • Search Engine Marketing, SEM (100 clicks free)
  • Email Marketing (1,500 e-mails 1 month free)
  • Online Social Media Marketing (Facebook, etc free)
  • Newspapers and Journal Marketing (1 month free ad)
  • Radio and TV Spot Marketing
  • Events Marketing

Clarke Publishing Premium service, gives authors a premium value for their money. This package provides all the elements of Custom, plus everything you need to create a best seller. It is the perfect choice for authors who want to deliver a fully customized, first-class book to a vast marketplace. In today’s competitive publishing environment, the Premium service provides authors with the tools they need to design, customize, distribute, and market their book. With this unique package, your book will be available for order on our network of online retail outlets worldwide including,, TLC Africa, the online bookstore, and dozen other online marketplaces. Other options include:

  • Two Rounds of Copyediting
  • Search Engine Marketing, SEM (155 clicks free)
  • Email Marketing (2,500 e-mails 1 month free)
  • Online Social Media Marketing (Facebook free)
  • Newspapers and Journal Marketing (2 month free ad)
  • Radio and TV Spot Marketing
  • Events Marketing (5 events only)

With this package, we want you to enjoy all the benefits of our Premium Package plus over 80 books, including an exclusive leather-bound edition. This VIP package gives you even more marketing tools and materials to help give your book the maximum exposure it deserves. Set your own book price, enjoy unlimited customization options, coincide the launch of your book with a personal website, and get an extensive marketing bundle—all designed to give your book the competitive edge it needs to take the market by storm. Bundled with this package, your book will be available for order on our network of online retail outlets worldwide including,, TLC Africa, the online bookstore, and dozen other online marketplaces. Other options include:

  • Three Rounds of Copyediting with Options
  • Search Engine Marketing, SEM (155 clicks free)
  • Email Marketing (4,500 e-mails 1 month free)
  • Online Social Media Marketing (Facebook, etc free)
  • Newspapers and Journal Marketing (4 month free ad)
  • Radio and TV Spot Marketing
  • Events Marketing (10 events only)

As an author centered publishing company, this package is the crème de la crème of publishing, the Platinum Package offers an exclusive world of publishing privileges and
benefits. You’ll enjoy true 24/7 ultrapersonalized service, up to 160 books plus two exquisite Ambassador leatherbound library-edition copies, the ability to set your own
price and royalties, and an incomparable assortment of marketing options. This is a luxury service that delivers unprecedented opportunities including a book video, a Social Media Setup Guide and Social Media Training Video, bookstore returnability, and maximum online exposure. Your book will also be available for order on our
network of online retail outlets worldwide including,, TLC Africa, the online bookstore, and dozen other online marketplaces. Other options include:

  • Three Rounds of Copyediting with More Options
  • Search Engine Marketing, SEM (500 clicks free)
  • Email Marketing (6,500 e-mails 1 month free)
  • Online Social Media Marketing (Facebook free)
  • Newspapers and Journal Marketing (8 month free ad)
  • Radio and TV Spot Marketing (1 month free)
  • Events Marketing (100 events only)
Publishing a Book? Get in touch with us.